Avoiding stress is partly about stopping negative thoughts and thinking about positive things instead. Just because you have something to worry about doesn’t mean you have to think about it all the time. Learning to shut down your negative emotions is recommended for stress reduction.

Do Something that Makes You Happy in the Morning


If you start the day worrying about all the bad things that might happen in the near future, you will have a bad day. Instead, do something that cheers you up to start your low-stress day. You could start the day by watching a funny part of your favorite movie or a stand-up comedy act on youtube.


Don't Remind Yourself How Busy You Are


Instead of worrying about how many things you have to do this week, simply concentrate on one task at a time. If you break the week’s work into a series of small, manageable tasks, it becomes easy.


Politely Declining Some Fun is Ok Sometimes


While you shouldn’t let stress prevent you from having a social life, you can politely decline to do something sometimes. If you really have a lot to do or are exhausted and need to rest, it is fine to politely decline. Don’t make a habit out of dealing with stress by not doing anything, but your friends will accept it if you decline sometimes.


Talk to a Stress Support Group


If you join a stress support group such as Noom, you can learn strategies to help you deal with stress better. You can talk about your problems with other people in Noom’s stress and anxiety management program.
